To get updates and information from the church office, we use a company called Call Multiplier to send out “robocalls” and texts from the main office. This is usually a once or twice a week call or text with reminders about upcoming events. This is also the main method we communicate any cancellations or worship or other main events.
You can sign up to get a phone call, a text message or both!
Please email (office@fbcna.net) or call (413-663-3780) the church office to sign up for this important service.

For internal communication within our various groups (group texting), FBCNA uses an app called Group Me. We use this all groups including Bible studies, fellowship, music, leadership, planning groups and more.
This app allows leaders to manage multiple groups in one place and also works on both android and apple devices.
Group Me can be used two ways — download the app and use the app to join groups, access your messages and set notifications OR give the leader your cell phone number to be added without the app and get your group text messages in your texting app/area on your phone.
We have all kinds of GroupMe groups, so be sure to talk to your group leader to be added if you have not.
The Scroll is our monthly newsletter and one of the main ways we try to get information out to everyone on a regular basis.
At the end of each month, Lora will email or mail out the upcoming month’s newsletter and calendar. You can also have a hard copy mailed to you or you can pick on up when you’re at church.
Please be sure Lora has your correct email or mailing address.
You can also find it here on our website at the button below, along with our events.
Kid Check is program we use to register our children and youth for Nursery, Sunday School and Youth Group. Once you are set up in KidCheck, your child(ren) can be checked in at our kiosk on Sunday morning (or for another event) and then children are matched with parent at pick up using a pick up slip or text confirmation. It’s a great system! Youth over 13 can be registered with their own phone or yours and allowed to check themselves in and use their own app to do so. You can get text updates when they arrive or leave and it helps us keep tract of who is where for our events!
If you have a child who goes to Nursery, Sunday School, or Youth Group, please make sure you are signed up with Kid Check and have all your children registered. Once that is done, it’s easy to check them in when you come to something at our church. If your child is in the youth group program, please select the option for them to do self check in and enter their phone number if they have one or yours if they do not have a phone. (this is all under the child information section – if you are using the app and cannot find it, try on a laptop or full site instead – or ask us to help you!)
To sign up using the mobile app, click HERE.
To sign up on the website, click HERE.
Please talk to Jen Anderson or Lauren Bellows with any questions or email Jen at jenny@fbcna.net