Cookie Walk (Youth Group Fundraiser)
March 30 11:15 am
First Baptist Church North Adams
Our Church Nursery is one of the most important ministry areas we have at FBCNA. Our nursery is a safe space for our littlest loves.
We have a welcoming and open space for our infants through age 4. During the majority of the covid pandemic, our nursery has been closed, but we are happy to have it open again, staffed by a volunteer team who also maintain great care in safety, security and cleaning protocols. There is a curriculum based just for them with lots of fun time to play and explore.
Our nursery is currently open every Sunday EXCEPT the first Sunday of the month when we encourage our families to sit together in worship.
Children’s Sunday School is for kids in grades prek-8. It is a time of interactive learning through bible activities, games, and more. By the completion of Sunday School, it is our hope that all of our children will understand the concepts of:
Sunday School for all children and youth (PreK through highschool) meets every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month (which is communion and we encourage families to sit together). Children stay in worship until the Children’s message time, after which they will escorted to their classes.
Our FBCNA Youth Group is a thriving active community here at First Baptist. They meet regularly for Bible study as well as other fun activities. But a core aspect of their DNA is service. From service at the monthly Community Lunch, to making blessing bags, to serving in worship on the praise team and collecting offering and ushering to so much more. Our kids are always learning, growning and serving in Christ.
Middle School Youth Group (grades 6-8) meets second Sunday of the month 11am to 12:30pm
High School Youth Group (grades 9-12) meets third Sunday of the month from 11am to 12:30pm
The Middle and High School will meet together for one meeting/activity per month, usually the third weekend of the month.
Check our the Youth Group page for more fun photos and information!
IT GROWS – through personal and group study of the Bible and application of God’s Word
IT GIVES – through use of our spiritual gifts and time to show the love of Jesus inside and outside the church
IT GATHERS – through discipleship and fellowship to build relationships with God and others
IT GOES – through sharing the gospel to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)
We believe women have needs and challenges that are unique to their Christian walk. Acts 2:42 gives us a good example to follow as we endeavor to create and enjoy a healthy, vibrant ministry here at FBCNA:
“and they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers.”
Together, it is our personal prayer that by walking side by side with one another and Jesus, our Women’s Ministry program will provide a flourishing atmosphere that encourages and enables women to connect with one another; challenge each other; lift each other up; and grow as His disciples here on earth.
(Band of Brothers)
Men are meant to live in community… yet few of us actually do.
Men’s Bible Study is currently meeting Thursdays at 7:30pm at the church.
We are also working on getting our monthly men’s fellowship group, Band of Brothers up and going again. Watch the scroll and events for the next meeting!
Interested in helping lead the men’s group, speak to Pastor Dave.
Autumn Years is a ministry of FBCNA for our senior citizens posed for worship, spiritual growth, and informational gatherings. These are accomplished with Sunday worship, weekly Bible studies, musical presentations, fellowship over a meal and in-house informational speakers who enhance our elderly living. We also do a few trips each year to nearby venues and eating out at restaurants.
Valet service is available for Sunday worship by our outdoor greeters. Handicapped access to our building is also available. For shut-ins, we offer worship on line, or recorded sermons.