Jeff Burdick
I grew up in the Town of Florida and graduated from the Florida Consolidated School now called Gabriel Abbott Memorial School. I graduated from Drury High School in North Adams and attended MCLA. I started keeping honeybees when I was 14 and have continued the hobby for 55 years. I love to grow flowers and vegetables, including the famous Florida Mountain Turnip and have an apple and peach orchard. I also graft fruit trees.
I started playing guitar as a preteen and took lessons at the age of 14 and by the age of 18 I was teaching guitar lessons at the YMCA in North Adams. When I was 17 I joined my parents gospel group called “The Singing Evangelists” and have been involved with gospel music ever since. After working for the U.S. Postal Service for over 40 years I retired in 2017. I have been the treasurer of the FBCNA trustees since 2018 and am enjoying my part time custodian job at FBCNA.
I have 3 grown children, Matthew, Jillian and Justin and am very proud of the adults they have become.