Missions Board

Current Missions and Outreach Projects:
- Warm Winter Clothing Drive – We are currently collecting warm winter clothing (clean and in good condition) for our giveaway in October. All winter clothing in all sizes is accepted. Please label “clothing drive” and leave on the bench outside the church office.
- Friendship Center Collection – On the first Sunday of each month, we collect food and supplies for the Al Nelson Friendship Center. Food, personal sized items (soap, shampoo, cleaning supplies) are also needed.
- One Great Hour of Sharing – We will continue to collect this offering through June. Envelops and boxes are available on the missions table.
As always, if you have any questions about what the Missions Board does or are looking for ways to help, please contact us! Message the church office at office@fbcna.net and we’ll be sure to get you connected.
Community Lunch

Church Fair

Each year in November, our church hosts our annual fall Harvest Fair. This fair helps support the ministries of the church with the funds it raises.
We have a fabulous Chinese Auction section full of all kinds of themed baskets and gift cards. Our crafty members and friends work all year creating handmade items of all kinds. Our bake sale is full of candies, baked goods, pies, breads and more! Then we have a great Attic Treasures area – something for everyone!
Each year we try to grow and add new things we think you’ll like, while adjusting to changes in culture, crafting, and covid.
If you’d like to help the Fair Group with planning, or have a talent or gift you think could benefit the fair, please contact us!
Otherwise, we’ll see you November!
Music Ministry

If you’d like to join our growing music ministry, contact us!
Most weeks, the group practices Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and Sunday mornings at 8:15am. Feel free to stop by at one of these times as well.
Our music ministry includes pianos, keyboards, drums, vocalists, clarinets and more! We’re always looking to grow.
Contact Abe with any questions.